In this post I won't be talking about what MQTT server is why is and all, may be I'll write a different post for that. This post focuses on installing MQTT broker and getting it to work in 7 simple steps. Step 1: sudo apt-get update Step 2: sudo apt-get install mosquitto Step 3: sudo apt-get install python-pip Step 4: Install mosquitto module for python > sudo python-pip install mosquitto Step 5: Install mosquitto client > sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients After executing above command you can start publisher and subscribe modules. These publisher subscriber can use a topic and write/read data from it respectively. Step 6: Start subscriber client => mosquitto_sub -h <hostname> -t <topicname> -v > mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t testTopic -v Step 7: Start publisher client => mosquitto_pub -h <hostname> -t <topicname> -m "<message>" > mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t testTopic -m "Test Messages" P...
Node.js - Node.js is an Asynchronous single threaded server. - Node.js runs on V8 environment. - Can not access DOM objects in Node.js. AJAX stands for A synchronous J avascript A nd X ML. - It is a client side technology usually used for updating part of the page on the client side dynamically i.e. without reloading the whole page hence, these type of pages are also called as dynamic pages. - Also, it saves sending lot of data from client to server and vice-versa.