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Showing posts from October, 2012

Learn GRE vocabulary in fun way

I really found this helpful for remembering the GRE word list.I found it on a blogger but it's a property of vocab ahead. You can find the full word list at Really thankful to vocabahead :)

Ternary Operator in Java and Javascript

Ternary Operators are basically replacement for if-else condition. Below is the example for java: if(condition == true) {     System.out.println("Condition is true"); } else {    System.out.println("Condition is false"); } The above example can be replaced by a ternary operator as : (condition == true)?System.out.println("Condition is true"):System.out.println("Condition is false"); The syntax remains almost same for javascript : if(condition == true) {     alert("Condition is true"); } else {    alert("Condition is false"); } (condition == true)?alert("Condition is true"):alert("Condition is false"); Ternary Operators reduces the readability of the code little bit but they give a better performance. If you are using if-else condition and there are millions of records to be processed then go for ternary operator.

Mark more than 100 mails as read in less than 10sec

I was going through my inbox and I realized I have more than 1000 emails that were unread, actually i don't need them either so I starting searching for a way for marking all these email as read rather than selecting them and marking as read. Below are my findings for the same : With this tip you can mark all of your emails as read. Step 1 : Open your inbox and select some email. Step 2 : Click on 'More' button which will show more options in that select "Filter messages like these". Step 3 : Clear all the fields and just put 'DOCFF55' in "Doesn't have:" text box. Step 4 : Click on "Next Step" Step 5 : Select "Mark as read" Step 6 : Check the check box next to "Create Filter" button. Step 7 : Click "Create Filter" Done !! You can also refer to the youtube video where I got the solution :)